Kim Lindquist

Kim Lindquist has always been intrigued and entertained by people and the ways they communicate in various forms. She has been writing since her early days in junior high school, when she worked on the not-so-famous Buzzette school newspaper. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism, she worked as a technical editor for NASA subcontractors for 10 years. Raising her son who is on the autism spectrum, caring for her two ridiculously needy dogs, married to a somewhat needy husband, and volunteering in the autism community since 2003, Kim enjoys writing about the roller coaster of life and the joy that comes in the midst of the twists and turns.

I was born to write. It just took me awhile to master crawling, walking, and eating solid foods before tackling something new. So, I’m a late bloomer. Punctuality has never been my strong suit.

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A Taste of Twitter

If I can make one person feel less lonely and more hopeful, I have done my job as a writer. If I can make one person spew milk out of his nose while laughing, I have achieved perfection.
— Kim Lindquist

Kim's Bookshelf

My earliest readings consisted of everything from Mother Goose to Golden Books to Dr. Suess; they are part of my brain chemistry. A love affair bloomed between me and all types of writing. The best days in elementary school were when each student selected a story from the Weekly Reader box, and libraries have always been a place of comfort and new possibilities. Books have provided healing, hope, laughter, therapy, suspense, direction, and education. Some have changed my life. One More Time, by Carol Burnett, had a tremendous influence on me as a writer and as a child of an alcoholic parent. Her ability to write honestly with compassion inspired me to start writing my own memories. I’m grateful to all authors – people who had the courage to tell their stories and affected my own story.

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Kim In Depth

Kim Lindquist was born with a silver ball-point pen in her hand. Thankfully, it was removed in the late 1970s when she learned to type her stories. After living through countless twisting plots, she is launching her writing career for readers other than her mother. After earning her B.A. in Journalism, Ms. Lindquist worked as a technical editor for 10 years, but her dream of winning a Pulitzer lived on. She was a contributing author of At the Foot of the Cross, a Christian devotional collection, copyright © 2011 by Sagemont Church, and also penned several articles for Sagemont Life Magazine. She wrote for and edited The Beacon, a formerly published newsletter of a local autism support group. Living in the Houston area, she loves the scorching heat of both the summers and winters. She is still waiting for that Pulitzer.

Everyone has a tale to weave, the unraveling of which takes me into other worlds where I get to know unforgettable characters, heroes and villains, some real and others fictitious. I’ve outgrown many things through the years, but my love affair with reading has stood the test of time.
— Kim Lindquist